OCC Mentoring

The Ocean Cruising Club comprises Members who have sailed the traditional ocean routes and passages, explored idyllic cruising grounds and adventured to the remotest corners of our planet. Members range from permanent liveaboards to seasonal sailors. Their experience, expertise, knowledge and competence are ready to be shared with people who wish to venture further afield.
The Club offers a unique facility to support cruisers who would like to take a next step in cruising. Whether you are an individual, a couple, or a family for whom the next step is daunting and you are unsure about a major change, there are OCC Members who have “been there and done it”, and can provide the answers to how you too can go there and do it – answers that may not be in the cruising guides or on cruising websites.

Details and Eligibility
More details of OCC Mentoring and how to participate can be downloaded here. The topics include:
- What is OCC Mentoring
- Who can participate and benefit from OCC Mentoring
- Benefits for participants
- How do I/we get started with an OCC Mentor(s)?
- How do I/we work with an OCC Mentor(s)?
If you are not yet a member of the OCC you will need to apply for membership first which you can do to online here.
If you are seeking a crew berth to gain experience or to complete your qualifying passage, or if you have a berth to offer to a crewmember, please use the Forum Crew Needed and Crewing Positions Wanted. This is the fastest way to advertise your needs to members.
Contact email: mentoring@oceancruisingclub.org

Ocean Cruising and Mentoring
Mentoring is as old as ocean cruising (well, what was an “ocean” around 1200 BCE), starting with one of the most epic sailing adventures:
When Odysseus, King of Ithaca went to fight in the Trojan War, he entrusted the care of his kingdom to Mentor, who served also as the teacher for Odysseus' son, Telemachus. The goddess Athena (patron goddess of heroic endeavour) appeared to Telemachus in the guise of Mentor and advised him to stand up to the suitors of his mother Penelope (who remained faithful to Odysseus), hence the idea of a ‘Mentor’ as a guide and wise counsellor.
Homer: The Odyssey