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The Ocean
Cruising Club

To be a part of the OCC is to be a part of a group of people who have said 'yes' to adventure and who will welcome you if you choose to do the same.

The people in the Ocean Cruising Club represent the distilled essence of the cruising community, a potent combination of accomplishment, experience, idealism, eccentricity, generosity and humility.

The sole qualification for Full membership, entails stepping aboard a boat and making a continuous ocean passage of at least 1000 nautical miles, measured by the shortest practical Great Circle route between two ports, in a vessel not more than 70 feet overall length. Associate Members join aspiring to do the same and being inspired by those who already have.

27 Jul 2024

OCC Port Officer for Gambia homeless after port re-development

By Simon Currin

The Ocean Cruising Club has a huge network of Port Officers and Port Officer Representatives around the world. The Port Officer Representative for the Gambia has lost his home. ....

25 Jul 2024

Orca sink another sailboat

By Simon Currin

Orca have attacked the rudders on many sailboats and have sunk a few. Halcyon Yachts have reported the sinking of another. ....

24 Jul 2024

Donation to help Vision Lewis and his family in St Lucia

By Rachelle Turk

Fund to Help OCC POR St Lucia ....

18 Jul 2024

Cyclone Seasons in French Polnyesia

By Simon Currin

An article from Blue Water Sailing examining the risks of keeping a boat in French Polynesia for the cyclone season ....

18 Jul 2024

Remains of 2 people found after liferaft washes ashore on Sable Island

By Simon Currin

The remains of a couple sailing their yacht, Theros, from Halifax to the Azores have been found in a liferaft washed up on Sable Island. ....

17 Jul 2024

OCC Member’s video of Hurricane Beryl and the aftermath

By Simon Currin

Hurricane Beryl (2024) by OCC Member Sailing Fair Isle ....

14 Jul 2024

The loss of S/V Solution

By Simon Currin

Ocean Cruising Club member, Carter Bacon, has written up the loss of his classic 50’ sloop built in 1963. ....

13 Jul 2024

OCC Northwest Passage Fleet Videocast, Episode 2, 13th July 2024

By Simon Currin

Join the OCC NWP boats as they make their way north along the coast of Greenland. This week we are also joined by S/V Abel Tasman and Zora ....

05 Jul 2024

Update on Hurricane Beryl

By Simon Currin

Hurricane Beryl, an early season category 4/5 catastrophic storm, has left a trail of destruction. Follow the links below of you should like to assist or donate. ....

04 Jul 2024

OCC Pacific Fleet, Episode 1, 3rd July 2024

By Simon Currin

Seven OCC cruising boats share their experiences as they make their way across the Pacific in 2024. A wide ranging discussion about routing, meteorology, visas, ocean rescues and choices of boat. ....

04 Jul 2024

Dugongs in Vanuatu

By Simon Currin

Dugongs in Vanuatu are becoming rare due to threats such as fishing, boat traffic, and climate change. Cyclones have damaged their seagrass habitat. More data is required to inform their conservation. ....

01 Jul 2024

Hurricane Beryl - Aftermath

By Simon Currin

Within 42 hours a tropical storm developed into the category 4 hurricane known as ‘Beryl’ and smashed into Carricaou. This video shares the consequences. ....


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